Develop green paper industry and create a better life

Full of horsepower to welcome the New Year Longma spirit to achieve good results

Source:Zhejiang Huachuan Industrial Group Co., Ltd. Release time:2017-08-25

On January 24, 2014, Zhejiang Huachuan Industrial Group Co., Ltd. 2013 annual summary commendation and 2014 work conference was held in the Hall on the 5th floor of Huachuan Group office building. Mr. Feng Xiaoyi, General manager of the Group, Mr. Feng Lianxin, Vice President of the Group and chairman of the trade union, Mr. Feng Zhanshan, Vice President of the Group and manager of Yinan Paper, Mr. Jin Zhongcai, Vice president of the Group and manager of the Electrical Department, attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Feng Zhanshan, Vice president of the Group, and more than 100 employee representatives from various units of the group attended the meeting.

The meeting first listened to the group general manager Feng Xiaoyi on the "2013 work" report, General Manager Feng pointed out that the international financial crisis, rising raw materials, the appreciation of the renminbi, wages and benefits, transportation costs rise severe challenges. In this year, with the strong support of the municipal Party committee and municipal government and relevant departments, the company has made significant progress and breakthroughs in all aspects of work, and the company has made great progress in scale expansion, technological transformation, brand building, improving the modern enterprise system, strengthening the internal management of enterprises, implementing the talent strategy and diversified development strategy. The comprehensive strength and core competitiveness of the enterprise have been further enhanced.

I. Summary report of 2013 annual work

1. Economic indicators

1) Group economic indicators

The cumulative total output value of the Group for the year increased by 13.9%; Sales revenue rose 16.24%; Treasury tax 76.87 million yuan.

2) Completion of paper production and marketing

In 2013, total production increased by 22.67% and sales revenue increased by 25.34%.

3) Operation of electrical department and brick-making workshop

In 2013, the power generation increased by 23.84% year-on-year, the gas consumption increased by 22.86% year-on-year, the production and sales of brick workshop achieved zero inventory, and successfully passed the recognition of comprehensive utilization of resources products.

2. Technological transformation promotes the transformation and upgrading of enterprises

The smooth development of technical transformation projects of various companies and departments not only improves the quality of products, enhances the service level, enhances the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises, but also provides a reliable guarantee for enterprises to achieve a new round of transformation and upgrading, and lays a solid foundation for the sustainable and scientific development of enterprises.

3. Energy conservation and emission reduction have been deepened, and pollution control has reached a new level

At the beginning of 2013, the technical transformation of the sewage treatment center was carried out, and a set of advanced oxidation tower was added, and the original aeration system was changed to jet aeration, so that the biochemical system ran normally and the oxygen supply efficiency was high. The Electrical Department continues to strengthen environmental management, strictly control process and technical standards, and through the provincial environmental monitoring station twice a year, the emission indicators are better than the national emission standards. By carrying out a series of energy-saving propaganda activities, the resource awareness, energy conservation awareness and environmental protection awareness of the majority of cadres have been improved, and the harmonious development of economy, resources and environment has been promoted.

4. Make unremitting efforts in safety production

Safety production is the eternal theme of the enterprise. The group company resolutely implements the policy of "safety first, prevention first, comprehensive management", attaches importance to safety production while grasping production, and makes the safety alarm bell ring often.

In terms of safety management, the Group continues to implement the hierarchical safety target responsibility management system, so that the company, workshop, team and employees implement their responsibilities at every level, and achieve "safe production, everyone is responsible". The Group, the company and the ministry organize relevant personnel to carry out special inspections on fire safety, health and equipment every month, discover hidden dangers in time through inspection, and issue rectification notices to the people responsible, so as to eliminate hidden dangers in the bud.

5. Declaration results of key science and technology projects

In 2013, the Group company has applied for 17 patents, including 4 invention patents, 13 new types of use, 11 ized patents and 6 accepted patents.

In 2013, it was awarded "Yiwu High-tech Enterprise" and "Yiwu Famous Brand Products" and has passed the certification, and the Administration for Industry and Commerce's "AAA Enterprise" and "Jinhua Famous Trademark" have passed the certification review successfully.

6, "corporate culture double construction" to promote the development of enterprises

The Party committee of the group closely focused on the spirit of "pioneering excellence" and "double strength striving for excellence", established the Party Discipline Commission, and organized party members to raise money for the care fund, raising a total of 6290 yuan, which has been handed over to the town Party Committee; In addition, a series of party building activities such as the Party member's Red tour in Xiangtan, Hunan were organized.

According to the actual situation of the enterprise, the group company has organized various forms of labor competition among workers, groups and women.

Ii. Work objectives and requirements for 2014

1. Form a diversified, multi-level, cross-regional and cross-industry joint modern enterprise group with "paper industry as the main industry, and strive to build a century-old enterprise." The board of directors of the company evaluated the situation, and successively established Huachuan Company in Zibo, Shandong, Changchun, Jilin and Xiangtan, Hunan, using the characteristics of the industry to achieve complementary advantages. The headquarters building in Yiwu Economic and Technological Development Zone will be prepared to actively enhance the overall image of Huachuan.

2. Implement talent strategy and further develop human resources. The company will adhere to the use of virtue and talent, unusual use; Have virtue without talent, cultivation and use; No virtue and talent, limit the use, no virtue and talent, resolutely do not use the principle.

3. Further strengthen the fine management and enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise. The company will take improving economic efficiency as the purpose, strengthen the basic management work:

First, strengthen cost management, and strengthen the procurement of raw and auxiliary materials, production cost budget, accounting and other aspects;

Second, increase efforts to repair old and waste, reduce production costs, and do a good job of sharing resources for general equipment such as motors and valves to reduce spare parts occupied capital;

Third, strengthen performance appraisal and form internal competition mechanism;

Fourth, strengthen production safety management, strengthen fire prevention and theft, and ensure that there are no major safety accidents in 2014;

4. Adhere to the concept of scientific development and promote the pace of energy conservation and emission reduction. Environmental protection to achieve clean production and resource reuse, to strengthen the supervision and management mechanism, increase assessment and supervision, the existing environmental protection facilities to use well, good maintenance is a focus of this year's work, to further improve the environmental protection operation system, explore the classification, segmentation, qualitative methods, strengthen operation management, depth treatment, reduce costs, reduce water withdrawal. Actively learn and explore from brother industries, and research new technologies and new processes for comprehensive treatment of solid waste.

5. Attach great importance to the construction of corporate culture. In today's market economy, corporate culture has become a symbol of the comprehensive strength of an enterprise. Every year, the group invests a lot of manpower and material resources to build Huachuan Group Newspaper, National Day gala, carry out all staff training, and form a system such as pre-class meeting. At this stage, Huachuan's corporate culture construction has initially formed a unique model of Huachuan. If we want to be a century-old enterprise, we need to constantly explore and innovate, seek development in stability, and seek stability in development.

Farewell to 2013, looking forward to 2014, the next five years of responsibility management has begun, the task is more difficult, the form is more severe, need to face new challenges. We need to make the management more refined, constantly innovate the brand, and speed up the transformation of production enterprises to brand operation.